"Let me take this opportunity to commend Jackie Marx who has selflessly dedicated her talents to our Vietnam Veterans..."
President Ronald Reagan, 1984
Jackie singing in Sydney, Australia
Jackie Marx
Jackie's music is now available at https://jackiemarx.bandcamp.com/

Originally from the Chicago area, Jackie Marx is the mother of three amazing children (Cindy, Chris, and Jenny) and three amazing grandchildren (Kendra, Sophie, and Dempsey. She now lives in the Valley of the Sun. She is a published author, playwright, and songwriter.
Rocket City! (The American Dream Interrupted), Jackie's full-length musical drama has been produced in the Chicago area, Dallas, Texas (directed by Randy Tallman), and Phoenix, Arizona. Rocket City!: The Musical Revue premiered at Theater Works (AZ).
She has performed her original music throughout the United States and in Australia, at the Vietnam Veterans' Welcome Home March in Sydney. She performed her song, You Took Me Down Under, a song written for the six Aussie vets who came to Chicago for the Chicago Vietnam Veterans Welcome Home Parade.
Upon returning home, she wrote The Flowers Have Come Home, a song about the 'diggers' who returned from the Vietnam War. Jackie's poignant 9/11 song, Angels in the Ashes...Heroes Born that Day, an integral part of The Angels & Heroes Project, was sent to all first-response teams in New York and New Jersey. Please watch other videos at the site to learn more about Jackie and her work.
CONTACT: 602-510-2877 jmarx.writer@gmail.com